5 Cybersecurity Predictions for 2024 You Should Plan For

by | Apr 5, 2024 | Cybersecurity

The field of cybersecurity is always changing. Every year, new opportunities, technology, and threats materialize. Organizations must be mindful of both present and emerging cyberthreats as we approach 2024. All sizes and industries of businesses should make appropriate plans.

Keeping up with the times is essential to protecting digital assets. There will be big changes in the cybersecurity environment. Emerging technologies and changing dangers are what are causing these developments. In addition to moving
worldwide dynamics.

We’ll next go over some important cybersecurity forecasts for 2024 that you should think about.

1. AI Will Be a Double-edged Sword

In terms of cybersecurity, artificial intelligence (AI) has revolutionized the field. It has made threat detection, response, and prevention quicker and more precise. Still, AI brings new dangers. like disinformation, exploited vulnerabilities, and aggressive AI.

Malicious actors, for instance, utilize chatbots and other massive language models to produce:

  • Convincing phishing emails
  • Fake news articles
  • Deepfake videos

Users may be tricked or manipulated by this malicious content. Strong security procedures will need to be implemented by organizations. Adopting a human-in-the-loop mindset is part of this. In addition to routinely monitoring and assessing their AI systems. By taking these actions, they will be able to reduce these dangers and use AI to create a more secure future.

2. Quantum Computing Will Become a Looming Threat

We are still a few years away from the full potential of quantum computing. However, the security of the present encryption standards is already seriously threatened by it.

It is possible for asymmetric encryption methods to be broken by quantum computers. These algorithms are frequently employed to safeguard data both at rest and in transit. This implies that private information, such as financial transactions, may be compromised by hackers with access to quantum computing.

Businesses will need to begin getting ready for this kind of situation. They can accomplish this by first evaluating any dangers they may have. Secondly, implementing quantum-safe designs and embracing quantum-resistant technologies.

3. Hacktivism Will Rise in Prominence

The use of hacking methods to further political or social causes, such as exposing corruption, denouncing injustice, or assisting a movement, is known as hacktivism.

There have been decades of hacktivism. However, a rise is anticipated in 2024. especially with significant world events. These might be the U.S. and the Olympics in Paris. presidential election in addition to certain geopolitical disputes.

Hacktivists may target companies that they believe to be rivals or enemies. Media outlets, businesses, and governments can all fall under this category. Their operations may be affected by these attacks. in addition to damaging their websites or leaking their data.

Companies will have to guard against any hacktivist attacks. In order to protect their networks, systems, and reputation, they must take proactive measures.

4. Ransomware Will Remain a Persistent Threat

Malware of the ransomware type encrypts the victim’s data. Then, in order to unlock it, the attacker demands a ransom. In recent times, ransomware has emerged as a highly destructive form of cyberattack.

Attacks using ransomware rose by almost 95% in 2023 compared to the previous year.

In 2024, there will probably still be an increase in ransomware assaults. because new targets, strategies, and variations are appearing. AI can be used, for instance, by ransomware criminals to improve their encryption techniques, avoid detection, and alter their extortion demands.

Industrial control systems, cloud services, and IoT devices are other potential targets for hackers. More harm and disturbance could result from this. It will be necessary for organizations to implement thorough procedures for both ransomware prevention and response. consisting of:

  • Backing up their data regularly
  • Patching their systems promptly
  • Using reliable email and DNS filtering solutions
  • Educating their users on how to avoid phishing emails

5. Cyber Insurance Will Become More Influential

Cyber insurance protects against the liabilities and damages brought on by cyberattacks. It has grown in significance and popularity in recent years. This is because cyberattacks are become more expensive and common.

Cyber insurance can aid in an organization’s quicker and more efficient recovery from cyber catastrophes. It offers monetary reimbursement, legal assistance, or technical support.

However, cyber insurance can also affect an organization’s security procedures. There’s a possibility that more cyber insurers will set norms or obligations on their clients. as putting in place particular frameworks or security safeguards. The advantages and disadvantages of cyber insurance must be weighed by organizations as additionally guarantee that they meet the requirements of their cyber insurers.

Be Proactive About Cybersecurity – Schedule an Assessment

It’s obvious that the field of cybersecurity will keep developing quickly. Both individuals and organizations need to be proactive in preparing for new risks. This entails using cutting-edge technology, giving worker development first priority, and keeping up with regulatory changes.

Have a thorough cybersecurity plan in place. One that includes these forecasts. This will assist you in being vigilant and resilient while you traverse the digital frontier.

Need help ensuring a secure and trustworthy digital environment for years to come? Contact us today to schedule a cybersecurity assessment.